Chattanooga Zoo hosting American Sign Language Day event on March 15

The Chattanooga Zoo will host a special and inclusive event Saturday, March 15, called ASL, or “American Sign Language Day at the Zoo.”

The event is designed to promote awareness and celebrate the culture and language of the Deaf community.

ASL Day at the Chattanooga Zoo, originally scheduled for Saturday, March 15, has been postponed due to the severe weather.

Matthew Calkins, Client Services Coordinator with Partnership for Families, Children and Adults, explained the significance of the event.

“The day is just to celebrate awareness of the Deaf community and the awareness of sign language,” said Calkins.

Calkins and ASL Interpreter, Jeremy Harris, are part of the organization’s Deaf, Blind, and Hard of Hearing Services Department.

Together with the Chattanooga Zoo, they are encouraging the public, especially those in the Deaf community, to participate and have fun at the event.

“The point of the day is to have all the Deaf community come interact with their friends in sign language and also get all the information provided by the zoo keepers in their language as well,” Calkins said.

The event will feature several Deaf services agencies, along with interpreters who will be stationed with zoo keepers at different animal exhibits.

Visitors will have the opportunity to learn fun facts about the zoo’s animals, including monkeys, giraffes, turtles, and armadillos, like the zoos southern three banded armadillo, Tonka.

“His head and his tail are sort of reverse triangles that interlock together, and he provides defense from predators in the wild when he rolls his shell all the way up into a ball. They are a really cool species, and Tonka is also really sweet, so you’ll be able to meet cool animals like Tonka and other ambassador animals up close at ASL Day.” said Jake Cash, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Chattanooga Zoo.

In addition to animal interactions, attendees will be able to learn the basics of sign language and participate in a scavenger hunt by visiting booths from various agencies that provides services for the Deaf.

Calkins emphasized that the event is open to everyone, not just those in the Deaf community.

“It’s just a wonderful way to support the deaf community and also learn, learn about sign language, learn about deaf culture, and have a fun, accessible day supporting our neighbors in Chattanooga.”

ASL Day at the Zoo is free with general admission, and visitors are encouraged to attend and learn more about sign language and Deaf culture.

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